Health And Nutrition

Health Nutrition, our mission

Dog Nutrition FactsCari On Dog Kennels mission has always been Nutrition-Health. It is characterized by a precise balance between around fifty nutrients (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty acids, mineral salts, vitamins, and trace elements). The formulation of our food is like a complex puzzle whose construction makes it possible to guarantee a constant nutritional formula and respectful of the precise and specific needs of dogs and cats.

It is the only strictly scientific approach because it places the animal at the heart of the formulation process: in fact, the ingredients used are selected for the quality of the nutrients they provide and for their nutritional benefits. The nutritional philosophy of Royal Canin excludes any approach that focuses on raw materials only for their taste properties (lamb, salmon, game, etc.).

Nutrition, science in motion

The science of Veterinary Nutrition aims to discover the essential nutrients, what they bring to the animal, according to the quantities ingested. Nutrition is a science in motion: the number of publications referenced under the keywords “Health” and “Nutrition” amounted to 2,346 in 2009 compared to 1,241 in 1995, or a doubling in 10 years!

This is how each year brings its share of new foods, new nutritional formulas, which beyond the essential nutrients for the maintenance of a healthy organism, incorporate natural elements to prevent certain risks of diseases and protect the organism. Dogs are estimated to have gained about 3 years of additional life expectancy in 15 years.

Today, it is possible to formulate foods based on well-identified needs, well-identified deficiencies against which to fight, racial specificities discovered as research progresses. Scientists and animal professionals now recognize that dogs should not be fed the same way depending on whether they are puppies, adults or mature, and whether they are small, medium, large or giant. For cats, we also know how to different nutritional needs according to age, but also according to lifestyle, sensitivities, sexual status and even breed (Persians, Maine Coon, Siamese …)

This knowledge grows every day and makes it possible to change the diet which becomes Nutrition-Prevention, and, when necessary, Nutrition-Health, or Nutrition-Treatment by participating in the care of certain diseases.